Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

17 Layouts

some of you might be aware that I've a challenge with hubby to produce 25 layouts before I could shop for any SB stuffs. Yup! from 20 to 25, the additional 5 LOs was a penalty as I've brought some papers (7pcs only!) during the challenge period. :(
And here are the 17 layouts that I've done so far, from 18th July 07 till todate.

1) top left 1st LO is a scraplift of Dina - Play layout
2) top right 1st LO is a digi layout
3) bottom left 1st LO is a scraplift of Rachael - Nature at its best layout

and just 8 more to go!!! and then its shopping time!!!! yipppppeeee
(hmmmm.... where my sub-credit card from hubby???) ;p


marcibun said...

They're fabulous and what a great idea. I think I might challenge myself and do the same thing. I have toooo much stash building up and need to use it.

Swamp Tulip said...

WOW! What a fun challenge! Your pages are beautiful!


eMeLiNe Seet said...

i think i need to b s disciplined s u ... :D