Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, October 13, 2007


saw this comment from Jen of MWL, as always she usually gave very sound advise...

this is what she said in regards of SB...

prefect SB??? as they say practice makes perfect, scrapping on makes imperfection seem smaller in the bigger scheme of things...what matters most is you enjoy it, the process of trying out new and used ways, the process of refining, modifying, improvising it and just getting better and better at it...that's what it should be...

which I agreed, always enjoyed the process of creating...always remember why you scrapbook...


marcibun said...

You always have the most profound sayings. They really make me stop and think.

Stephanie said...

Jenn, totally agreed what you had mention,(:

Benga said...

Thumbs up to that! great insight Jenn =)

Edleen said...

Jen's statement is true and correct :) agree with what she said.

t'was great seeing you on Sunday.
Happy Monday!

Wati Basri said...

agree with you Jenn...must always remember why we scrap!! :)

Liza said...

Lovely Statement Jenn! Thanks for sharing and true about the remembering why we scrapbook thingy!