Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, November 8, 2007

got these (the machine and "Merry & Bright" Die-Set) plus a couple of add'l Die-Sets, as an early Christmas gift for Nat or is it myself?

we had so much fun making Christmas cards with it, will post Nat's creation soon.. ;p

All this while, I've never been a die-cut fan, usually goes as "JennKutz" instead ;p, but after playing with this baby, realized its actually quite fun having it, in fact. It's such a joy to use it with your child...especially mine (i think :p) she had so much fun with it.... just love that "cute and serious" look of hers whenever she uses this machine...think i should get more "cutsy" die for her to try on...


Benga said...

it sure won't fit on the stocking hahaha but they are sooo yummy xmas gifts for both of you, i would love to see Nat's cards =)