Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Birthday! Aida & New kid on the block...

we celebrated Aida's birthday yesterday..

Happy Belated Birthday! Aida
May all your wishes comes true...

and attended Far Flung Craft product launch party at MWL.
Far Flung Craft is a home-bred brand of scrap supplies which belongs to our good friends Kristy Harris and Faye Foster! WTG! gals...

so do check out the new paper lines and embellishment kits when you drop by MWL and be the first few in the world to use them on yr next layout... ;p


Aida Haron, Singapore said...

Jenn the new lenses really do work !!!! Alamak, me so fat, but I actually like the photo because it was wonderful to be surrounded by great friends. Thank you for your b'day wishes, many success to your future plans.

Stephanie said...

Great shots, Jenn