Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, November 24, 2007

last day in pre-N..[2007 Year-End Concert]

We attended Nat's year-end concert today, it was kinda hilarious and emotional for both DH and myself. Hilarious to watch her performed on stage - dancing in a crocodile then to a little red Indian suit.. Emotional to realized that our little baby girl had grown so much over the years, both physically and intellectually - from a sweet little baby to a headstrong & bossy little lady, who had a mind of her own and does not respond to harsh scolding & had a nickname of Ms Bossy from Auntie Ed *wink*....

here are some pictures to share...

the cutest crocodile...

the shy crocodile after she saw her mommy taking her pictures....

animal farm ?? ahhahahahh....these are the cutest animals i've ever seen...

our little red Indian...

little "Red Indian" ballerina?!?!

Have a good weekend, my dear friendz...


eMeLiNe Seet said...

SO CUTE !! and SAME ! Mine is also little miss bossy-pot. Maybe they are first born girls thatz Y :)

Edleen said...

so cute!!!

Stephanie said...

Jenn, great shots!! love it so much.(: