Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

someone asked me where and how do i scrap, and here's the the answer...

DH are you reading my blog??? I want a scrap room!!!! i need a scrap room!!! please (using my sweetest voice).. ;p


Pandachu said...

I used to scrap like that before I moved to the basement too! Lots of "table" space but lots of backpain! LOL!

Stephanie said...

Jenn, now i know how you scrap.hahaha!!!

Jennie (Jenn) said...

kekkekekekek...now you know why i like to scrap in the wee hours, so my dd won't come into the room and mess up my stuffs till i put them away...

Nor said...

u scrap on the floor??? I used to do that but how come my lo doesn't turn out as gorgeous as yours??!!! :D
