Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, December 6, 2007

is it Christmas yet???

It's my fav of the year .... loves the happy mood, the wonderful feeling of giving, the wrapping of pressie, the gathering with family members...and I get to make big pot of ox-tails stew and share it with family members...

there's a little tradition we had on every Christmas Eve... that's to go for mid-night service and then to the beach, find a cozy area to sit down, staring up to the sky, looking out for the biggest & brightest stars in the sky.....

Had been doing so since we met, hooked, hitched and even after the birth of Nat...

told Nat about the plan, she was so excited that she kept asking : mommy, is it Christmas yet??? :)

oh.. we will be away for the next 2 weeks for holidays :) :)

Have a good weekend and weeks ahead, my dear friends....


Aida Haron, Singapore said...

Have a great holiday Jenn, the bestest Christmas wishes to you, Nat and Ed !!! And I am not so sure about that Turducken, it looks weird *LOL* ......

PS ~ no more talk about ballet cos the concert scared her off ??? LOL. Registration for pre-primary ballet start Jan 2008, you can ask Nat again, or wait till after the ballet exams in June.

jaz lee said...

jenn,luv ur xmas stary stary 9 wif family;)
enjoy yr holiday..more of scrapping when ure back huh?..ahhaha..
blessed xmas 2u and family!

Wati Basri said...

jenn...that sounds fun...staring up at the sky..u hv a grt hol!!!

eMeLiNe Seet said...

Have a Safe Trip and Blessed Christmas :)