Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Monday, February 4, 2008

Another February project for Buzz and Bloom,

some of you might be aware that my Feb DT parcel was lost during postage and to meet my deadline for DT duties, Helene of B&B had to resend another parcel by speedpost to me.. it's was a rush, rush and rushing for time event.. And to make the matter worst, I was required to work during the Lunar New Year holiday break!

Thank GOD that hubby was super understanding and Thank You Aida for those additional chipboard to complete this project in record time. **Phew**


jaz lee said...

hey there jenn,thx 4dropping by my blog.hot mama im hoping to be!krazy mama i know i am LOL!soree to hear abt d parcel stuffs,luv dat sneak peek of what uve posted ;)

Edleen said...

it's Wednesday, 1.30pm and you're still at work... hopefully you'll be able to go home soon :)

we'll catch up soon and hope your package will arrive too!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!