Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

did this the other day..

decided to keep the right hand side empty till I could locate & fill the empty space up with more suitable family pix. Pictures captured here for this artwork are by Ms Nat and i treated them using photoshop..

and did this super retro layout during the retro crop party challenge organized by MWL.

and yes, that's moi when I'm 5..look at those platform shoes, bell bottom pants, and that "mushroom hair style" of mine...oh gosh! don't you just love those fashion sense during that time :p ...

& this pix is almost 30 yrs old!! all Thanks to my late mother for keeping it well, it sure bring back very fond memories of my childhood..I LOVE you! mum..and I misses you very very much...

& my Buzz & Bloom March projects' part 2 will be up tomorrow at the B&B blog, do check them out when you are there...

till then, have a good week ahead, my dear friendz and thanks for dropping by :


Stephanie said...

heya, love your work!! Gorgeous!
(as always):)
hope you are feelin better now! remember drink more water!!!!
and meet up soon."wink".