Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Helsinki festival is now on......
you could have a glass of your favourite golden beverage & party till late with the local Finnish bands :) so nice!! how i wish i could be there NOW!!! (boss is going this time! usually, it should be me, but !! anyway...) how i wish i could go instead... beside the work, it would be a nice time to relax, catch up with friends and watch some of them perform on the local bands... i needed that break... needed that break..

Just a little write-up on Helsinki...
its a little town with a little bit Swedish, a little bit Russian. It still retains a small-town feel with no high-rise buildings and the market square is still surrounded by 19th-century architecture with green parks and waterways. Fresh sea winds with seagulls flying over the busy market square, and there's many open-air cafes to lazy around... So it does make a perfect summer destination but without the heat :p... the weather/temp is around 22C on a summer day! :)

a lovely place to visit if you could... but never go during winter period..trust me!


Lea L. said...

Wanted to come over and say "hi!" Jenn!! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Hope life is going well for you!


Edleen said...

sounds like a cool place to be! but Sunny Singapore will do for the moment... *wink*

hope all is OK on your side, specially with work :)

have a lovely day!