Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Did a small community event together with the CC~WEC members on Sunday, a very local & ground level event that involved mainly senior citizens. You should see the excitement & fun~filled faces of these senior citizens during the card making event and at the presention held by the Member of Parliament Ms Jessica Tan.

It might not be a big event, but we had so much fun with these senior citizens, helping them to cut the patterned papers, ribbon etc..and to be able to bring some laughters to them on this day,
to me it's worth it..

Thank you Aida & Dorcas for helping out on this day too... :)
card created by the senior citizens to celebrate mother's day

And had a very fun Crop with {Create} at Simei CC on Saturday too, a crop fills with tons of laughters, catching up & eating! as usual!! ...........
pix extracted from Aida's blog..
pix extracted from {Create} blog


Edleen said...

looks like a fun event @ the CC! and Crop on Saturday was really fun too :) everyone's already looking forward to {Create's} 1st Anniversary crop party *wink*

have a good week and we'll do lunch sometime yeah :)