Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's {Create} 1st birthday, and we are celebrating it at Changi~Simei CC with tons of foods & RAKs....

someone ever post me a question on why I am so "commited" to spreading scrapbooking in the heartlands?

My main reason is, that I would like to find a place that allows all scrapbooking lovers (especially heartlanders) to be able to gather in a place to crop at least once a month and share the knowledge and passion for this hobby.

And I am very grateful to WEC of Changi~Simei CC for giving me this chance to do so (since I'm a executive members' in WEC, chances of realized this dream are alot easier ;P)..

and being a {Create} members', naturally I will include {Create} scappers & friends into this wonderful dream too, but would sincerely hope to grow this SB club to another level if I could, hope to have you all, my dear friends to join me in this wonderful path..(thats another dream that I would need to work on... :P)
