Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, August 9, 2008

hi yo... we're back.. some updates of our trip..
brought nat & hubby with me for my biz trip..we were there for almost 8 days!
while i'm working, the gang (hubby & nat) were busy shopping,
went for therapeutic spa massages and all....
Ya! you "heard" me...the big guy will go for therapeutic massages
while the little one will go for her little princess spa treatment too..
and the poor mommy will be busy attending meetings back to back!!! :p
what a life!!!

anyhow, we had a very fun & wonderful bonding time together
and thats more impt to me than anything.

flowers ard the hotel lobby and exhibition area

brought nat for an art exhibition by the local artists while we were there.

a very nice & cosy place that we had dinners with close friends.. the waterside!

master of goofy faces at work....:P

never leaves home without her (missy)

and "her"

sorry for the pictures overload! :p


Stephanie said...

all love these shots!!