Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sunday, August 17, 2008


A big THANK YOU to all scrappers who came and had fun with us during
the past monthly crop sessions at Changi~Simei CC.
Thank you also for all the Fun, Food, Good humour, Tips and Techniques
that you've had shared with us during these sessions.

its with sad notice that {Create} will no longer be hosting the
future crops due to it's other commitments.
But "Season 2" of crops at Changi~Simei will still continue.
it will be host directly by WEC of Changi~Simei and
co-host by new partner - our craft place -
starting this 11th Oct 2008 - same time & same place,
so hope to see you then for those who had signed up :p
cant wait to crop with you again, my dear friendz
it will be another fun, fun, fun crop! :))

and after much consideration and to scale down on my commitments,
i had resigned from {Create}
and here
wishes {Create} and Ed much success with its new DT members.

to all the scrappers from the crop who offered to help out
for the Make & Take session on the 21st of Sept,
a sincere THANK YOU! for your willingness to make time
for this community event :)

lastly to CK, Steph, Deedah, June and Aida for helping me packed
these 100++ make & take packs for the event.

Once again THANK YOU all.
Luv, Jenn

(picture extracted from Aida's blog)


salme said...

hi jenn, thanks for dropping by my blog :-)