Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a girlfriend from the UK took super cool pictures, asked her what she used for her pix. and this is what i rec'd from her 1 month later...thank you S!!!

a LOMO fisheye 2 camera using films!!!...
yet to master the camera, in fact am not used to it yet....
felt its quite costly due to the film and processing of the pix...
but loves the experience of using it...and the pictures taken with it...
you never know what you've took...till you developed the pictures..
felt its not meant for ppl who loves studio or perfect pictures...

just lovin it now...


Aida Haron, Singapore said...

Yah the LOMO takes a different type pf photo, it's not fro everyone. One of the MWL scrapbookers from Indonesia loves it as it looks like the photos are in a dream.