Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, November 15, 2008

we are on a mission!
the few! (just the 2 of us)
the proud!
the totally insane!
the Tan's team!

(just hope we will survive rather end up like the valdez team)..
but our missions are small
(one of which is that we hope to sell 20 tickets for Smile-Philippines)
and we had only the next few weeks to carried it all out.


Unknown said...

Hey, peng you. Long time no see! Sounds like you are well and busy with many meaningful things! :o) I think you probably know I finally decided to dip my toes into the DT thing. Felt like the right time to do it and right motivation behind it. (tell you next time I see you). Anyways, just stopped in to say....hi!

Unknown said...

Hey, peng you. Long time no see! Sounds like you are well and busy with many meaningful things! :o) I think you probably know I finally decided to dip my toes into the DT thing. Felt like the right time to do it and right motivation behind it. (tell you next time I see you). Anyways, just stopped in to say....hi!

Benga said...

such a great endeavour jenn! with so many things at hand you still manage to go out of your way to help out, you have such a big heart, hugs to you and Nat :)

Jennie (Jenn) said...

hi Sharon and Marix....:)