Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Monday, December 8, 2008

some photos on operations smile charity concert dated Decemeber 5th..
it's a success in terms of giving back to the community,
the dancers are fantasic
hubby and PIL commended the dance items are of international standard!
We were very amazed at the resilience of the kids
the generosity of everyone involved in this concert.
Great Job! ladies..

little dancers waiting for the bus to transport them to RP,
these cuties are all aged ard 4-7 yrs old only...

In our own little ways we can help change lives bit by bit,
to enable to do our tiny bit to help is the greatest joy in this season of giving.

Will load Nat's stage performance pictures once I have the copy.

Have a blessed week(s) and holiday ahead,
my dear friendz
Luv, Jenn