Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

i know i should be hitting the books, but am so tired,
can't sleep too, stress?
so to DeStress...
i scrapped! ;p

layouts on missy concert event in yr 2007,
which is way overdue.. :p

layout 1 : playing dress up,
a concert event of missy being one of the cute alligator
tons of tearing, inking, painting, etc... can you see i m stress-out!

layout 2 : concert
beside her best friends, the other cute alligator,
a very sweet little girl and
missy playmate in school and outside school..
(they met up with each other over the weekend too) ;p


Stephanie said...

lol.......thanks for calling me.:)
awesome layouts!! :) and lastly
all the best on your up coming exam. :)