Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

will be away for next two weeks, to bring PIL to Venetian-Macau for a trip..
and later to Beijing (hubby had new oppt. and job offers in both countries)..
it has been awhile that i travel with them, PIL were so excited :)
and i m excited too because i am watching this in Macau....
(click on the link to watch sneek of ZAIA)

and was given the oppt. to go backstage with nat to watch the preparation of ZAIA too... thank you..hubby and johnathan..

CIRQUE DU SOLEIL® has brought wonder and delight to almost 80 million spectators in over 200cities on five continents. From 2008, Cirque du Soleil will present 18 shows simultaneously throughout the world and has received prestigious awards as the Emmy, Drama Desk, Bambi, ACE, Gémeaux, Félix, and Rose d’Or de Montreux.

we are checking out the condition and package in both countries before we decide...

thus seeya...

(picture extracted from CIRQUE DU SOLEIL® official website)