Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, September 12, 2009

just drop by to say hi... hi hi to all...we are fine... :)

am still here, just busy..next week will be the big day for my final exam, am worried however i believe i could make it ... :)

what i did the passed weeks..
we have been to macau, beijing and malaysia for biz and short getaways....
managed to created 100 cards for a church's fund raising for the autism kids with the help from Ck, Aida, Rachel & Yen - lovin these ladies...
the sales will be held at st. andrew church on 21st sept...drop by if you could...

will be leaving after the exam to malaysia again
then to japan - tokyo and osaka (for a family holiday or should i call Nat's holiday)
then to indonesia..
then back to germany for work..

lastly, thank you aida for this, they are so pretty:

and here leaving you a picture of missy...

till we "speak" again, ciao...


Benga said...

one busy bee! goodluck on the exams! and enjoy your trips!