Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

our day at USS...
a gift from uncle S. to missy as her birthday gift.

she refuses to go nearer to him, caused he told her "he loves eating children"

the grill place, they serve good steak...

the famous "JP" water ride, bring extra clothings, you will be soak!!!

the famous donkey "live" show

she is mocking the same look as Goldilock.. check out the news-stand..

the cooling system... i love and want this...it actually works..blowing cool air..

and this

entrance to the mummy ride

entrance to JP

popcorns, popcorns, anyone...

lightings at Hardrock hotel, where we had our drinks after a hot hot day.

afterwhich, she refuses to go home..

we had fun,
some advices: bring extra clothings, drink more water and bring sun block!

thank you uncle S. for the tickets to USS, the drinks and the gifts!

happy birthday, my darling...