Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Monday, April 19, 2010


Everyone wants to be a success in life! The world defines success in terms of achieving one's goal, acquiring wealth, status, prestige and power, and successful people are seen to be enjoying the good life.

In short, money, power and status are pivotal to the definitions of success in our society today. Such definitions are fatally flawed especially when we consider the lives of the rich and famous whose lives are quite often wrecked by pain and tragedies. (extracted from snr. pastor Nina Kong's blog)

thus, think, what is sucess to you? being rich? have certain status, power or like some...being famous?

to me : being able to share and the chance to contribute back to the society is a sucess and blessings to me.. how abt you?


we had our annual easter funz celebration at the cc recently, co-org by wec, yec and rc zones...

and this round the challenge from the SB interest group to the challenger was to alter a cheeseboard, all material provided exclude the picture of course...

here's the finished projects done by the challengers and some of the kids are below 8yrs old and sure are very very creative...

we had other events for the kids too, like candle making, butterflies painting, loop the eggs, easter eggs painting and even a huge snake and ladder game...

always loves the smiles and looks rec'd from these kids when we did this social event

a big thank you to the sponsors and all helpers for this successful event.
and am happy to be able to share my interest and skills (SB) to these kids ...

the next charity event would be on the 6th of June at the Metta Special School, do drop by to support us (SB interest group), we will be having demo on simple pages creation and also help selling AC page kit at a very low price to help raise fund for these special children, so please drop by if you are nearby.. the addy is Simei St 1 - Metta Special School.