Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, June 3, 2010

random thots...

i've been wanting to learn some new crafts, i want to take weaving class, i want to take pottery class, i want to learn to sew clothes for my daughter, i want to learn to sew quilt, i want to learn how to cook good food for missy (no more soup soup soup), i want to take a pilates or yoga class to reduce fat :p, i want to go to scandinavia again with missy and hub, i want to finish my second master(which is long overdue, with only 5 subjects to go but i m just so not into it), i want to learn to ride a horse or at least have the guts to go up on a horse back, i want to open a little childcare center, i want to wake up without being a nasty monster, i want to go on shopping holidays with my girlfriends, i want a scrap room, i want to work less, i want to have and do so many things ...

there are just not enough hours in the day, if i can buy the hours by the jars, i will do it without second thots but i dont have the money too...hahahah

however, it still nice to have dreams...