Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Friday, October 31, 2008

greetings from the cold cold Finland!! :)))
its my 3rd day here,
have been attending workshops while i'm here,

finally had some hard solid confirmations from my new boss..
and yes, i had moved on to a world-wide role,
in another new division,
within the same company,
still handling APAC,
so with effect from next mth,
i will be reporting directly to the HQ instead of APAC.
and have a totally different job duties, :)

the new team-mates are very nice, but not many "ASIAN":p
only 4 of us within the whole division,
the rest are from other parts of the world..
am very happy and thankful for this new oppt;

am so sorry, didnt manage to take many pictures,
as its raining all day long,
and always pitch dark after the workshops,
will be leaving for Germany soon,
and soon home!!!
misses missy and hubby,
looking forward to go home....

till we "chat" again...

luv, jenn


Stephanie said...

Did you get freeze? LOL....

hope to meet up with you soon!

eMeLiNe Seet said...

hi Jenn, been awhile ! :) Have fun and be safe in Finland !