Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Promise of a Smile
a dance extravaganza comprising of Ballet, Tap, Modern and Jazz by 200 dancers,
ages 4 to 21 will bring to you many award-winning items
from both local and overseas dance competitions.
proceeds and donations will be channeled to
Operation Smile,
to pay for a team of medical officers, their equipment & medicine
to provide FREE repair of childhood facial deformities like cleft lip correction
for the children in Philippines.

You could purchase the tickets from Mdm Ng Poh Gee (mobile: +65 9649 4559 email: dancespectrum_dsi@yahoo.com)
or could contact me directly at : ed_jennie@yahoo.com or mobile :)
if you cant make it to the show, we accept any donations too.