Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dance Spectrum is raising funds for Operation Smile Singapore who help kids with Facial Deformities in depressed areas of South East Asia.

Each year, a Singapore medical team operates for free
and funds are needed for shipping of equipment and for medication.
Once there, the operations are done in basic conditions,
the medical team, their assistants, the volunteers have to perform
multi operations during their two weeks in these countries.

So if you could, please help to purchase tickets to watch the wonderful performance by these kids in this coming Dec 5 concert...
Nat is in it too,
yes my little kiddo of 4.5yrs is having her 1st fund raising event....
nothing fancy, just 1 simple group item,
but at her tender age, i am very proud of her..

Will be putting up the posters in my workplace in aid for this fund raising
and hope to raise more fund! wish me luck, wanted so much to help these children
in the other part of the world..

oh! managed to sell off lots of the cards though.. am so happy :)